Let’s talk about your energy

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, one definition of energy is the capacity of acting or being active.  

Today, I want to share with you two categories of energy, anabolic and catabolic energy.  I will use the concept of exercise to explain.

If you are familiar with exercise, then you know there are two primary forms of exercise to become physically fit, cardio and resistance exercises.   

Catabolic Energy

I don’t know about you, but when I think of exercise, my first thought is cardio or aerobic exercises.  Well, aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, basketball, and boxing are catabolic exercises.  They are used to help us lose weight and build up endurance. While performing these exercises your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration increase. Your body uses energy to break down fat.  As a result, you build a healthy heart and lungs.   But, overtime, it not only decreases body fat but also muscle mass and can compromise your overall health.   We balance this with anabolic exercises. 

Anabolic Energy

Anabolic exercises and activities include rest, resistance training, stretching, yoga, and meditation.  These activities allow you to build up muscles and recover. Your body generates hormones to repair, rebuild, and grow.  You are then stronger, faster, and better prepared to do catabolic exercises again.

In short, catabolic energy breaks down and anabolic energy builds up

We possess both energies at all times and neither is good or bad.  Just like with exercise, knowing and choosing when to use which energy to produce the result you want is key to accomplishing your goals and to being successful.

I’ll share more next week about how catabolic and anabolic energy impacts the way we see and experience family, work, and the world around us.

Janeen Parrott

COR.E Energy Life and Business Coach

Owner of Be Seated, LLC


Servant Leader


Let's Talk About Your ENERGY -  Part 2


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